Week 23: Feb. 3-7
Category: 11.1(A) engage in meaningful and respectful discourse, 11.2(A) use print or digital resources, 11.4(B) generate questions about text, 11.4(C) make and correct or confirm predictions, 11.4(D) create mental images, 11.4(E) make connections, 11.4(F) make inferences and use evidence, 11.4(G) evaluate details, 11.5(A) describe personal connections, 11.5(D) paraphrase and summarize texts, 11.6(A) analyze relationships among thematic development, characterization, point of view, significance of setting, and plot in a variety of literary texts;, 11.6(B) analyze how characters’ behaviors and underlying motivations contribute to moral dilemmas that influence the plot and theme;, 11.6(D) analyze how setting(s) influences the plot, characterization, and theme, 11.7(A) American literature across literary periods;, 11.8(A) author’s purpose, audience, and message, 11.8(B) text structure, 11.8(D) author’s use of language, 11.8(F) author’s diction and syntax, Lesson Plans | LEAVE A COMMENT